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Our Evolution

"All that we are is a collective idea of all we have desired. Desire in its Latin form means 'of the father', but before we could build and document the world and time, we needed to build and document ourselves. Trial and error, until we finally gave birth to Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man. When we finally became the perfect version of ourselves. What we are is the result of millions of years of trial and error, manifested through the Father, and once solved, we as a species, allowed our desires to mutate. When our desires mutated the great men of the stone age conceived something greater and so society was born."

Michael Anthony Mooney




"They say we are created in God's image, but because God is inside of us we are a manifestation of own infinite desire. In this form, more than any other were we able to build the world we live in today. Dinosaurs, dolphins, birds, monkeys, they all demonstrate our desires past and present, but alas they are failed manifestations of what we needed to become to build the physical world in which we live in today." Michael Anthony Mooney



"The stone age represents an undisclosed period where man finalised the evolution of man and upon reaching physical perfection, it was time to create other mircales... and so... finally... we gave birth to the bronze age and an evolution beyond our wildest dreams." Michael Anthony Mooney





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